Connector/Remote Repository

x64dbg.portable 20220326.1414

**Features**: * Open-source * Intuitive and familiar, yet new user interface * C-like expression parser * Full-featured debugging of DLL and EXE files (TitanEngine) * IDA-like sidebar with jump arrows * IDA-like instruction token highlighter (highlight registers, etc.) * Memory map * Symbol view * Thread view * Source code view * Content-sensitive register view * Fully customizable color scheme * Dynamically recognize modules and strings * Import reconstructor integrated (Scylla) * Fast disassembler (Capstone) * User database (JSON) for comments, labels, bookmarks, etc. * Plugin support with growing API * Extendable, debuggable scripting language for automation * Multi-datatype memory dump * Basic debug symbol (PDB) support * Dynamic stack view * Built-in assembler (XEDParse/Keystone/asmjit) * Executable patching * Yara Pattern Matching * Decompiler (Snowman) * Analysis

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