
Run-time components that are required to run C++ applications that are built by using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

Recent Packages

Version Downloads
14.0.24215.20170201 818
Virtual Package14.0.24215.20160928 23 795 543
Virtual Package14.0.24212.20160825 23 795 543
Virtual Package14.0.24212 23 795 543
Virtual Package14.0.24210 23 795 543

License Information

This package appears to have a custom/proprietary license agreement, and ProGet cannot be automatically determine the license type. You'll need to assign a license type to the URL to allow or block packages with this license.

Usage Instructions

Latest Version: 14.0.24215.20170201

To install vcredist2015 from the command line, run the following command:

choco install vcredist2015 --version 14.0.24215.20170201 --source