Active Directory (LDAP)
Directory name:
Search mode:
Domains to search: (one per line)
With Specific List selected, domains entered (one per line) may contain the name of AD username/password credentials after a comma; e.g. us.kramerica.local,KramericaCredentials
Domain controller host:
If the product server is not on the domain, specify the host name or IP address of the domain controller here, e.g.
NETBIOS name mapping: (one per line)
A list of key/value pairs that map NETBIOS names to domain names (one per line); e.g. KRAMUS=us.kramerica.local
Search recursively:
Check group memberships recursively instead of only checking the groups that a user is directly a member of. This may cause reduced performance.
Include gMSA:
When locating users in the directory, include Group Managed Service Accounts.
When connecting to your local Active Directory, connect via LDAP over SSL.
LDAP Port Override:
This will override the port used to connect to LDAP or LDAPS. If this is not set, then port 389 is used for LDAP and 636 is used for LDAPS.
Bypass LDAPS Certificate Validation:
EXPIREMENTAL. This setting will bypass all LDAPS certificate validation and should only be used when troubleshooting AD connections using LDAPS.
Test searching:
Test get user: